Verkefnarýni frá Jethwear

We recently worked with Iggy Agency to migrate our e-commerce platform from Magento to Shopify, and overall, the experience was very positive. The migration process went smoothly, and we had great communication with Anton and his team throughout. The project was completed on time and at a reasonable rate, with good follow-up and support along the way.

The upgraded Shopify site is a major improvement from our previous Magento setup. It offers a significantly enhanced user experience, improved site performance, and numerous features that we believe will drive better business and customer satisfaction. Despite some initial concerns, it looks like the migration didn’t negatively impact our Google rankings either, which is a relief.

All in all, we’re very pleased with the outcome and can definitely recommend Anton and the team at Iggy Agency for their professional service and expertise.

Niklas Sundin

E-commerce Manager at Jethwear


Við búum til nýjustu rafræn viðskipti á Shopify

Velkominn til Iggy Agency! Við trúum því að gjörðir tali hærra en orð, þannig að í stað þess að gefa þér almenna sögu um hversu frábær við erum hjá Shopify, látum við vinnuna okkar og ánægða viðskiptavini tala. Það er einfalt: við sérhæfum okkur í að búa til nýjustu rafrænu viðskiptalausnir á Shopify og Shopify Plus. Ertu ekki enn að nota Shopify? Eða ertu tilbúinn að lyfta rafrænum viðskiptaleiknum þínum? Náðu bara í þig og við skulum hefja samtalið!